save brentwood park

** UPDATE **
Provincial Election
The 2024 Provincial election was a very close race where the NDP eked out a slim majority win, taking 47 seats, with the Conservatives close behind with 44 seats, and the Green Party holding on to 2 seats. The race came down to the final polls, and in some ridings, every vote counted.
This outcome was no doubt disappointing to the once-dominant NDP who, prior the election, held a powerful majority 55 seats. The once-obscure Conservative Party who held only 8 seats prior to the election quickly gained support to challenge the NDP. Although they fell short, the Conservatives will represent a strong Opposition party. The fact that the Conservatives gained popularity so quickly should be a strong message to Premier Eby that many BC citizens have grown disillusioned with the NDP's rule after 7 years, and many oppose its draconian policies that stripped away local government autonomy and private citizen rights, increased expropriation powers of the government, and increased government control over professionals such doctors and lawyers.
The NDP's new housing policies intended to solve the "Housing Crisis" represent the single biggest threat to Brentwood Park's 70-year history. Ultimately, unless Bills 44 and 47 are repealed, dedicated Brentwood Park residents are left to defend our community from over-development by enforcing Restrictive Covenants contained within our Statutory Building Schemes. ​​
Since the beginning of 2024, a group of Save Brentwood Park residents have lobbied extensively to implore the NDP to permit flexibility in the implementation of Bill 47, so that municipalities can adjust Transit Oriented Area (TOA) boundaries based on unique circumstances surrounding each TOA ring. The NDP flat-out denied our request without any opportunity for discussion.
Effective July 1, 2024, Bill 44 legislation came into effect. The prior R-10 zoning that was in place for almost 40 years across Brentwood Park has been replaced with new R1 zoning, permitting the development of up to 6 separate dwelling units that are 4 stories (12 metres) high for each lot in Brentwood Park.
Land assemblers and speculators have targeted our community with the intent to replace our homes to erect 8-storey and 12-storey towers. There are already 3 properties listed for sale on Southlawn Drive for a land assembly.
High density development in Brentwood Park will have irreversible community impacts as well as environmental consequences. Moreover, property taxes will increase exponentially as single family lots will now be assessed based on highest and best use (being high density development). Our residents are educating themselves of this dynamic and are being empowered by several viable strategies. Contact us to learn more.
Burnaby 2050 - New Land Designations for a new OCP
In response to the Province's mandated housing policies, the City of Burnaby is working on the Burnaby 2050 project which will influence the development of a new Official Community Plan (OCP) that will guide and manage the City’s growth over the next 25 years.
Because OCP's set out the long-term vision for communities, updating or developing a new OCP is typically a multi-year process that involves ample opportunities for the pubic to provide input. However, the latest draft of the OCP is predominantly influenced by the top-down imposition of Bills 44 and 47, with only superficial, well-controlled consultation with the public. This is a perfect example of local democratic participation being superseded by distant, centralized government planning. The OCP, initially intended to be a grass roots exercise, has now been skewed heavily by top-down directives from higher levels of government.
​Why is this important? Folks who have moved to Brentwood Park, whether homeowners or renters, have typically laid down deep roots because they have 'bought' into a whole neighbourhood, not just settled into a house. This is proven out by a handful original owners from the 1950's who are in their 90's and are gracefully aging in place. And so many offspring of the original purchasers of this neighbourhood are still here!
Burnaby's Planning Department's vision for Brentwood Park is one of mid-rise and high-rise apartment buildings and townhomes across the entire neighbourhood, even north of the park to Parker Street. ​​Please click here to see the City's vision for Brentwood Park.
Statutory Building Schemes containing Restrictive Covenants
Along our journey, we discovered a valuable asset that can be used to prevent high density development in Brentwood Park that is outside direct government control. Most homes in Brentwood Park are protected by Statutory Building Schemes registered on title that restrict the use of land in our neighbourhood to single family dwellings. If appropriate action is taken, this legal agreement can be very effective at preserving the intended and existing character of the neighbourhood, even despite Bills 44 and 47.
Contact us to learn more about this valuable asset.
Our future is in our own hands. We need your support to save our community from being destroyed by new Provincial legislation that will primarily result in even more expensive condos.
Click here to find out what you can do to help Save Brentwood Park.
Are you a renter in Brentwood Park? You can help too! Click here to learn more.
Spreading Awareness - Lawn Sign Campaign​
With the 20024 Provincial election over, Elections BC rules around third-party advertising no longer apply, so we encourage everyone to put your lawn signs back up to help spread awareness and to send a message to would-be developers and speculators that they are in for a fight.
If your lawn sign hasn't weathered well and is looking worse for wear, please email us, leave your name and address, and we will come by to replace your old sign with a new one.