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Burnaby 2050 - New Official Community Plan (OCP)

The City of Burnaby is working on the Burnaby 2050 project which will influence the development of a new Official Community Plan (OCP) that will guide and manage the City’s growth over the next 25 years. 


In response to the Province's mandated housing legislation, the City has developed new land use designations that will govern development in the future.  Their proposed plan actually exceeds densities legislated by the Province through Bills 44 and 47.  The City is seeking feedback on this plan.   See link here.


Below is the City's vision for Brentwood Park.   We strongly encourage you to "Share Your Voice" and go to the City's website to provide your comments. 




BP 2050.jpg
OCP Designations.jpg

Key Observations of the 2050 Vision for Brentwood Park as per the latest draft of the OCP:


  • Most of the neighbourhood is designated for apartment buildings: Low-Rise Apartment 1 (4-storeys), Low-Rise Apartment 2 (6-8 storeys), Mid-Rise Apartment 1 (12-storeys), Mid-Rise Apartment 2 (20-storeys)

  • The lowest density designation is for Townhouses from Fairlawn northwards

  •  SSMUH, the lowest density designation, does not exist in Brentwood Park

  • The park and school site is expanded by eliminating the row of houses fronting the park/school (the houses on the north side of Southlawn and the south side of Northlawn are designated for non-residential use

  • The road structure has changed:

    • Beta Avenue connects to Napier, eliminating homes along Northlawn, Fairlawn and Westlawn

    • Gamma Avenue is being extended to connect to Fairlawn

    • Southlawn is extended to the east to connect to Taralawn

    • Eastlawn is connected to Taralawn

  • The entirety of Brentwood Park is now envisioned as a high-density node, with only a nominal (outward) expansion of Brentwood Park and school grounds to accommodate the thousands of additional residents envisioned for the neighbourhood

  • No minimum parking requirements are needed within the 400m TODA ring, and only 0.5 stalls per (new condo) unit are required within the 800m TODA ring

  • Aside from the small park, there is virtually no green space remaining

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